Washington Post, Weekend, August 14, 1998

   “Jeanne Fogle . . . is among the most knowledgeable of guides. Her 15 years in the business also makes her one of the most senior.”


The Washington Times, Washington Weekend, May 4, 1995

     “If you want a serious tour with a serious guide, go see Jeanne Fogle . . . During her tour . . . Ms. Fogle discusses intriguing old homes, spectacular vistas, unique outdoor sculpture and little-known galleries and museums . . . No matter where her clients ask to be taken, she says, >There=s no such thing as a standard tour.  I try to gear my tours to the needs of the group . . . Ever the guide, she is leading others to her profession.  She teaches a three-credit course called ARegional Tour Guiding and Local History.”


Washington Post, Weekend, April 2, 1993

    “Like a canny stage performer, she leaves you wanting more.  No, forget showbiz.  Fogle is a teacher, the history teacher you wish you=d had every year in high school . . . When she lectures, all the essential dates, names and facts get blended into appetizing little tales and character sketches . . . Though Fogle spends plenty of time talking about buildings, you needn=t be an architecture buff to get immersed . . . her knowledge of local history is vast.@


Washington Post, Weekend, March 22, 1991

  “Jeanne Fogle [is] a connoisseur of the more unusual sights and stories in Washington . . . The offbeat stories and sights cherished by Fogle are more than just historical footnotes or trivia . . .@


Occupational Outlook Quarterly, US Department of Labor, Winter 1990-91

    “Beyond the marble and the monuments of Washington, D.C., lie the flesh and blood stories of the men and women these memorials commemorate.  Ask Jeanne Fogle for chapter, verse and footnote . . . And beyond the corridors of power where today’s newsmakers tread stretch the byways and the neighborhoods of a city where yesterday’s history makers lived. Let Ms. Fogle be your guide . . . Jeanne Fogle offers . . . tours of the glories and curiosities of the nation’s capital . . . Each tour combines substance and style.  The people Jeanne guides are her audience, and her aim is not only to inform but to entertain as well.”


The Washington Post, District Weekly, February 25, 1988

    “To satisfy the cravings of those who already know the venerable monuments, D.C historian and tour guide Jeanne Fogle has begun offering an off-the-beaten-path scrounge through the nooks and crannies of D.C. history . . . Fogle points out that some monuments are distinguished by delightful trivia . . . A number of other Fogle revelations concern objects in the category of things you have passed a hundred times and always wondered about.”


Mid-Atlantic Country, June 1986

  “Now, many consider Jeanne Fogle to be Washington, D.C.=s most sought after tour guide  . . . Fogle=s tours focus on Washington=s three cities, so to speak: the historic city, the neighborly city, and the monumental city.”